Sunday, April 09, 2006

So I'm running a Marathon...

I'm at that point in my young adulthood were those "words of wisdom" my Mother always had are actually starting to have some relevancy, and wouldn't you know it, she actually knows what she's talking about. Of all the things my Mom has taught me, one of the most valuable things I've taken from her lectures.. Ahem... I mean, loving parental advice, is that life is made up of challenges, and it's how you deal with those challenges that shape your life. You always have the option- you can let each and every little obstacle get in your way and life can be unbearable and a constant struggle, or each challenge you conquer can make you stronger and eventually allow you to believe that with a little determination and a lot of hard work, there's nothing you can't do.

Last week, I officially registered to run a marathon in Honolulu, Hawaii. Over the next 8 months I am committing myself to some serious training for what I think is going to be the biggest challenge of my life yet. As if running 42 kilometers isn't a big enough challenge in itself, I'm also committing to fundraising a minimum of $6,200 to donate to the Team Diabetes campaign with the Canadian Diabetes Association.

I've got some great ideas to get started, this site is one of them. As monumental as this whole experience is going to be, and how much support I will be getting between friends, family, work, the community and anywhere else I can get it (!), I thought it would be a great idea to have a place to keep everyone updated on my training, fundraising progress and other happenings I encounter along the way.

I'm planning to keep posting regularly so I hope you all stop by to catch up with how I'm doing, my newest fundraising idea and how you can contribute to my cause. Thanks for stopping by...

Stay tuned.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl!

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some commitment. I think it's great and you have my full support. I know u can do it!!!

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've chosen a great cause to support Sarah. I know you'll do a great job and receive so much satisfaction from helping others and yourself to achieve a worthy goal.


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