Street Sale Season has arrived!!

This weekend was the neighborhood street sale in my sisters community. I got TONS of denotations from people of stuff to sell and made a good contribution towards my campaign.
I always thought that garage sales were a simple, easy Sunday tradition that my Mom always had through out the summer. You woke up in the morning, put your stuff out on your driveway and people came by and gave you money for it. Easy. I don't think so! Obviously I was a kid the last time I was involved in one of these ordeals and this morning at 6:30am had no idea what I was in for. I figured that we would get up, have some breakfast, casually start putting the stuff outside and slowly the people would come on by.

Well I've still got a numbers of items left over that I'm going to keep with me for another street sale later this summer. I've still got with me a bag full of clothes, which is good since I started with two, AND because my next fundraising challenge is going to be a clothing drive. This week I am going to approach Value Village and ask them to make a donation on a per pound rate. I'm going to ask everyone I know to donate all their old clothes. Since this is the season for wardrobe rotation, winter to summer, I'm sure I'll have no problem finding contributors.
That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. Stay tuned to find out where you can donate your clothes!!
Well with all the references to the lessons learned from your Mother I sure hope you don't forget the Mother's Day card. (Please)
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