Wednesday, July 12, 2006

4 Days and Counting

Last night I participated in my first Triathlon clinic. There were about 40 or so women out to work, learn and prepare for, what is for many of us, our first race on Sunday.

We started off with a hour and a half open water swim clinic. We focused on technique, strategy and even talked about racing etiquette (very important). After we were done in the water, we simulated our transitions by racing back to our bikes and getting ready for our next sport. Because we had limited time until we lost the sunlight, we then moved on to either biking OR running. I chose to run.

The first thing that threw me off was the fact that since we were simulating race transitions.. no time for drying off from the water. Running shorts and tank right over top of the wet swim suit.. yuck. Now, I'm a self confessed "girly-girl" and am not one for being uncomfortable. This is something I'm going to have to get over.. and quickly. There I am, drenched in running gear, toes still sandy, dirty and chafing in my now also wet shoes. Grrrrrrrr. Now I have to go out and do and hour or more of running drills. Great.

It was actually really helpful. I learned about proper running techniques and again some important strategies for race day. It's funny how something so simple as plain old running can actually become quite technical. I never realized how complicated running can be when your thinking about weight placement, foot-ground contact points, correct arm swings and positioning plus now I'm trying to think about the most efficient and proper way to control my breathing. WOW.. I've been running all this time just thinking that running was running... one foot in front of the other.. silly me.

At the end of the three hours, I was energized. I'm excited about my race on Sunday. I think that the competition could be challenging, although I think the distances are quite short. But for my first time doing all three sports together it will present a big enough challenge. In my reading and learning about proper training, I've learned that it's important to start off slow, even if you feel it's to slow, so that not only do you give your body a chance to build endurance and strength, but you also allow your self to build confidence. I could probably make it through a regular Triathlon distance, but it would be a struggle, and because of how difficult it may be, it could possibly frustrate and discourage me from continuing. This way, even if it's way to easy I will have the confidence and willingness to get right into another race. I'm really pumped about this now.

hopefully I'll have some pictures to post in a few days. I've got some internet issues to deal with first.



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