Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Let the cross-training begin

Last week I saw a sports medicine doctor at a clinic that specializes in athletes and sports injuries. Although for weeks now my foot has been feeling great and the pain has completely subsided, it took Dr. Chen only a few minutes to locate and re-induce the pain back into my arches. The good news... It's not Plantar Fasciitis. The not so good news.. I'm going for a bone scan this week to search for stress fractures. If the pain was in fact a combination of a strained tendon and stress fractures, the treatment is this- 6 weeks off (which I'm already rounding week 5 of) and some physical therapy to strengthen the "big toe tendon". I'm not to worried, seeing as I'm closing off the "rest" period means that I'm close to getting back into a smarter, healthier training regime.

For starters, I'm going to be doing more cross-training than ever. The running will be short and easy until I can comfortably get back to pushing for long distances, and until then, I've picked up a schedule for my community recreational swimming pool, I've dusted off my rollerblades, I"m shopping for new (road worthy) tires for my bike and I'll be regulating my gym schedule.

As much as I would love to be back hitting the pavement and out running, I really think that this approach is not only going to help me prevent any further injuries, but is actually going to be much more effective in showing results.

Anyone out there that has any opinion or training tips for me.. please.. I'm an informational sponge waiting for advice.

Fundraising is coming to another peak. Some more encouragement to family and friends has raised my total to close to $2,400. Jazz Festival BBQ party in the Beach is coming soon. Exact details still to come.



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