The Real O.C

The town was buzzing with fans and players alike all out for a great weekend and some good ol' fashion tourney parties. I of course, being there on business had no part in this volleyball Tom Foolery ;) but I did get to to witness some of the lifestyle as I walked up and down The Strand, a pedestrian only street which lines the beach and some of the most beautiful houses back onto. By mid afternoon the people had started to congregate on patios and fire up the BBQ's. By late afternoon I was getting familiar with the idea that not very many people drive in this town but rather get from party to party via their uber retro- yet very cool low rider bikes followed closely by (and sometimes even towing) their buddy on a long board skateboard. This lifestyle is something I became envious of quickly and will not easily forget.

Now, I'm back in the good old T dot, and life is back to normal. Yesterday, I enjoyed my very last day of rest before getting back into my training regime. I'm going to be taking it slowly for a few weeks, just keeping it to two 5K runs a week. I'm seeing a Sports Medicine Doctor on Wednesday morning, hopefully he'll have some good advice for me.
Also, I'm very proud to announce my Team Diabetes campaign has now reach over $2,211 as of this morning. So many thanks go out to everyone who has supported me. What's next?? The end of July brings the International Jazz Festival to the Beaches and I will be taking advantage of my Queen Street front property and having a massive Fundraising BBQ!!!! More details to come. Stay tuned.
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