Ecoli?.. No thanks
Wow! What a week it's been, I've been a little absent with my postings, so there's lots to say.. I guess I'll start with an update from my race on the 13th.
This time I was able to avoid the chaos and panic that ensued pre-race in Orangeville. I was properly organized equipment wise, and fully prepared for the hour + drive out to Grimsby in the Niagara region. When I arrived (with the full hour to prepare myself as planned in previous races), I heard a nasty rumor as I headed towards the registration booth. NO SWIM! Just as I get up to sign-in, I hear over the loud speaker "There will be no swim today as the Beach has been closed due to high counts of Ecoli". hhhmmm... okay then.. I can do without the swim today, that's fine.

To compensate, they turned the Tri's into modified Du's. So I came looking to do my second Sprint-Triathlon, and ended up doing my first modified Duathlon. I guess this wasn't all bad news, running is supposed to be my strongest element, so here is an opportunity for me to really challenge myself.
I wasn't completely happy with my first run. I think I just started off thinking too much about "pacing" and not realizing that 2.5K really isn't that far, and "pacing" is something I couldn't afford to do seeing that everyone that I passed on the run was going to pass me within the first few minutes on the bike. So, I finished my run feeling strong and started the bike portion.. and that's where it all went down hill.. (well- not literally.. the course was flat.. just figuratively). I finished the first run in the top 20, and by the time I struggled my way through the bike on my good-for-nothin' mountain bike, I was in 44th place going into my second run. GRRRRRR!!!!! It's sooo frustrating to be working so hard and seeing people working half as hard as you, flying past you at twice the speed! When your hands are tied and it seems like there is nothing else you can do, the energy level starts to plummet, and you start to lose that competitive edge and just get frustrated. I left for the second run feeling good and just giving it all I had. I made up for alot of the lost time on the bike, and the 2.5km run was over in less than 14 min. I'm happy to say that these little runs are not at all challenging anymore, which is probably a good thing seeing as I'm supposed to be running a 42Km race in a few months.

I was happy with my second run, I pushed the way I expect myself too, but overall I'm pretty disappointed. This race was supposed to determine if I move up into a longer distance race for the next one of the series, but seeing as this time I couldn't tell if my swim has improved, and seeing how I just get annihilated in the bike, until I get better equipped, I'm going to have to stay in the Sprints.
On a different note; my real marathon clinic starts this week with the Running Room. I'm really looking forward to that. Today is my day off, but I will start with the program tomorrow. (LOL- that sounds like a procrastinators guide to quitting smoking.. )
This weekend I played in the last volleyball tournament of the summer. It's so much fun and we played really well, unfortunately this particular tournament signifies that the end of summer is near. At the end of the day Sunday, we watched the Pro's battle it out, he's a pic of me and team mate Ryan watching the action courtside:

Well- that's all for today. Coming soon, I'll be able to tell you all about my training program with the Running Room.
Say no to ecoli!! That's an awesome picture of you running! You look fantastic!
Good luck with the Running Room.
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