A Lucky Lucky Girl
Ok so.. anyone that knows me knows that I really like my job. My favorite part about it is that I get to do a fair bit of traveling. I've gotten to see New York City, Los Angeles, Washington DC and have enjoyed the scenery of driving through Maryland country side in the summer. However, last week my love for my job was propelled to a whole new level when I was taken to Aruba to visit with a client. Yes, that's right, I said ARUBA!
The original plan would have had me poolside and drinking some tropical drink with an umbrella embellishment by 3pm on Saturday afternoon, except that it took me 16 hours to get there since every flight I was on was either cancelled or delayed by two hours.. but nonetheless.. I got there. An even though I missed out on an afternoon of sunshine and the most incredible aqua green water that I have EVER SEEN, I was up early on Sunday morning to let the relaxing begin.
Here I am on the beach creating what I think is a pretty good impression of my very own Corona commercial.

Ahhhhh.. I can still smell the ocean...
Back to reality.
Last weekend (or was it two weekends ago now??? Who can keep up?) at the last race of the year in Milton, my sister Jen and her two boys Nate and Liam came out to cheer me on. Not only was she great support- but an excellent photographer! Here's a few new pic's of the action:
This is a semi-birds-eye view of the bike lanes and the spectator action.

This is me coming out of the water and in T1 getting ready for the bike. You can't really tell from the photo, but this is where I'm really laughing to myself because bending over like this I almost ended up flat on my face since I was shaking so much.. hehehe

And of course- the source behind my power, the cutest spectator ever, my little nephew Liam who is turning 5 next weekend!

So, now that the season is over, and Aruba is only a memory *sigh* I'm back hard at work looking at what the next month holds. Next week I'm off to Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland, but that doesn't mean I won't be hard at work still planning the next (and final) Team Diabetes fundraising event.
My final deadline is approaching and I've got one last chance to reach my goal of raising $8,000 for Canadians living with Diabetes. I've set a date, and October 21st I'll be hosting the Poker Tournament in the Beach.
All the details to come very shortly.
Until then..
wow I thought I had a good job.. Great work on the fundraising..
I didn't know training had such great dimensions. The western hospitality will continue this week as my friends and neighbours have contributed items and their time to help me with my garage sale next weekend - everyone wants to help you.
bye for now
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