Back at it
Last weekend my sister Jen and I did a swim clinic through the OWTS, the womens series that I competed in last year. I am SO excited that Jen has decided to give her first Try-a-Tri this summer. The clinic was really helpful, and as I expected, gave Jen a bit of confidence seeing that most women were in the same position as her- new to the sport and at the same beginner level as her. I think it may have convinced her to register for the Super Sprint in June instead of waiting all the way until September. Go JEN!!!
For me- I got great tips and feedback that is really going to help me prepare for my first season doing the Olympic distances with the Subaru Triathlon Series. I CAN'T WAIT for the summer to arrive. All I want to do is get back into a good training program and work, work, work at getting myself into Triathlon shape.

I have to keep reminding myself that June is still pretty far away and just because I'm just getting back into a work out routine now, and haven't yet chosen a program to stick to... no need to panic just yet. Here's the plan:
Swim three times a week: Tuesday nights, Thursday and Saturday mornings
Spin twice a week: Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings
I have to go out to Vancouver for three weeks in February, so for that time I'm going to be in the gym (the office has one in the building!) and from what I hear, I may even be able to run outdoors.
After that, when I'm back in March- I will have chosen a Tri program to stick to that includes, swimming 3x, spin/cycle 2x and hopefully a new short term gym membership that allows me to run and weight train indoors until the spring comes around.
Check out my calendar for the Subaru Series schedule for the summer. Hope to see you out there!!!
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