Giving a Tri-a-Try
Speaking of cross training.. I'm giving my first Tri-a-Try. I've stumbled upon this great site for the Ontario women's' Triathalon Series (OWTS) and have found that it's a great place for women of all shapes, sizes, experience and athleticism. They host three "Super Sprints" a year, including a number of clinics for all levels of Triathletes. It's the perfect place to get started, and also a great training outlet for me. The events sound challenging enough that I will take it seriously and really get myself educated on the training aspect of it, plus it's not to intimidating since not only is this series for women only, but it's mostly an amateur crowd. I'll be attending my first Triathalon Clinic on July 11th.
I started swimming this morning at my local community swimming pool. 6:30 am this morning and I was out doing lengths for the first time since... mmm.. well.. in a long time. MAN!!! Swimming is a lot harder than I remember it being. I guess since the most swimming I've done in the past few years was not so much "swimming" as it was bobbing around in a lake on a water noodle and the only "treading water" I did was to keep my cold drink above water. Not exactly the same. Anyhow, the Super Sprint starts with a 350M swim.. doesn't sound like much.. it's equivalent to about 14 lengths of a 25M pool. Well.. let me tell you.. that's a helluva lot of lengths to a non-swimmer! It only took about 15min, but let me tell you, I was not excepting that kind of workout from a 15min swim. I'm going to keep this up three times a week (only for the next three weeks since that's when the first event is) then will go to twice a week.
Lucky for me, I thrive on these types of challenges. If this was too easy, I probably wouldn't take much interest in it at all. What I'm finding out about myself here is that the individual sports/challenges I find much more appealing. I think it's due to the fact that when it's just you competing, every success and every failure is all your own. Should I give in to easily, or not complete the race, it's no ones doing but my own, and on the contrary, each race completed, every goal achieved, and every small success obtained, I can take glory in.
Will update the calendar soon with a training schedule I've created.
Details for the Jazz Festival BBQ coming soon!